Time is the most precious resource you have. Some choose to spend it wisely while others spend it foolishly. However, you will only comprehend the value of time once you’ve lost it, or even worse, when you’re buried with it.
A man who dares to waste one hour of time has not discovered the value of life.
– Charles Darwin Tweet
Life is short. Do not waste your precious time on things that will not lead to a better life. Instead, decide what you want to accomplish in life as well as business and strive to succeed.

Every month, we design and publish a motivational wallpaper that includes a calendar and modern quotes to keep you motivated. On April wallpaper, we chose a quote from Charles Darwin, English naturalist, geologist and biologist.
Make sure you take notes on your calendar. It’s a great place to plan your business promotions. And yes, you should plan your campaigns beforehand! You can find a brief list of the special days of April on our Instagram profile.