Logo Redesign and Business Card

ikie Mühendislik

As an engineering firm which is really active in the construction industry, ikie Mühendislik now has the logo they needed to show the quality of work they produce.

susam Several business cards with the name "Erdal TÜRKŞAVAS" are displayed, featuring contact information and a blue and white design.

About ikie Mühendislik​

ikie Mühendislik is an engineering and construction firm located in Istanbul, Turkey. It was founded in 2010.

The Challenge & Solution​

ikie Mühendislik, was not happy with their current logo which did not reflect their industry and their brand. Using our expertise in branding, we have created a modern and professional logo that represents their brand.

Logo Design

ikie Mühendislik translates to twoe Engineering in English, twoe being the 2 E’s which are the first letter of 2 co-owners of the company. While creating the logo, we wanted it to reflect this as much as construction, which is the industry they actively work in. With two E’s that leaning on each other’s backs, which also forms the number two in Roman language, also represents the frame of a building that’s being constructed.

susam Image showing a visual puzzle: 'E' plus 'II' plus a wrench, with labels 'letter E', 'Roman numeral 2', and 'construction' for each respective symbol.


Considering their industry with their professional services, we decided to go with blue tones to represent ikie Mühendislik.

susam Two colored rectangles are shown: a dark gray one labeled "22XL" on the left and a blue one labeled "22XXL" on the right.


To soften the logo’s classic look and create a more modern feeling, we decided on Titillium and Roboto as main fonts.

susam Text showing an example of a stylistic set for the font "Roboto." The text shows the difference with and without the stylistic set enabled.

Business Card Design​

We wanted to mix modern and classics while designing the business card for ikie Mühendislik. This allowed them to have a business card that lines with the expectation of the industry while showing the quality of ikie Mühendislik with a modern look.

susam A set of blue and white business cards for "ikiemühendislik" with contact information for "Erdal Türkşavaş, İnşaat Mühendisi," displayed on a blue surface.


With the rebranding, ikie Mühendislik now has a modern brand that better represents them. With their new business cards, they already started getting more leads.


With the rebranding, ikie Mühendislik now has a modern brand that better represents them. With their new business cards, they already started getting more leads.

“With our new logo designed by Susam Creative, quality of our brand now leaves a great impression on our customers.”
Civil Engineer, ikie Mühendislik

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